Sunday, April 23, 2017

We all suffer

I see your confusion.  You seem to have forgotten that I am a human being.  Let me help you.  I am like you in the important ways.  I love, I laugh, I cry, I hope, I pray, and I believe.
I love my children. I love other people even the shitty ones.  I stay away from them because they hurt me.  They lack understanding and the ability to see beyond themselves or the petty differences. I mean petty things like color of skin, how or who you pray to, your circumstances, or even the body you are going through this life in.
Laughter gets me through. Sometimes I lose it.  I can’t find it in all this.  I become self destructive and just so saddened by it all.  I see the lack of humanity and the inability to give.  Even those that are on the fringe and pushed out emulating the system and politics they despise for forcing them out.   They become judgmental and as sick as that system.  When you hang with the outside you have to watch what you say because you might step on toes it is as nerve wracking as a high society dinner.
I cry, hope, and pray almost every day I cry because it is so hard to live here like this.  I hope and pray for change and a better tomorrow.
I am still nieve enough that I really believe in it.  That it is temporary things will get better. Not only for me but for the world. We all suffer I know this. we all need.
 People no longer recognize one another no longer see.  We have become terminally selfish and self involved. We are killing community and our society.  Believe me you need the tribe to survive.  We  are no longer a whole.  We are broken and splintered to busy misjudging and being offended to truly connected. As long as we are yelling “MINE MINE MINE” and driving hard for the gold.  We are not United.  Our devided house is quietly falling.

1 comment:

  1. the best yet...a universal call for humanity to become humane,,,please send it to the editor.....the best!
