Sunday, March 26, 2017

Fat Girls don't get Sugar Daddies and Other Life Lessons

  So I am here again. Before you guys grab your pitch forks and torches and round up the lynch mob. I feel I must disclaim some of what I say is satirical.  Some is in all seriousness but other things in in an over larger fun house mirror.
     Life lessons I have learned over my time.  First when you are poor and crazy it really really sucks.  You don't get those fancy names like quirky, eccentric, or passionate. You get fun names like deranged, lunatic, and demented. With such fantastic monikers you can imagine how difficult dealing others can be.  
    When you are feeling anything people question it, even when it is perfectly organic.  When you are angry because of a legitimate reason people are like " did you take your medication today?" or you are sad again they ask that stupid question.  Stop asking that! One medication does not make me stop being a person (okay sometimes it does), two have you ever been in the medication they try to give us?  The prescribing process alone makes you feel like one of those duck shoot games at the fair.  They take a bunch of pills throw them at you and see which one knocks over the duck.
   Once they knocked over the duck you get to deal with the side effects.  Just a couple off the top of my head: confusion, weight gain, tiredness, hair loss, Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, damage to the teeth and gums, tremors (which may become permanent).  So now you are dumb, sick, unattractive and fat. Thank medicine I feel so much better.  Who are you medicating me for?
   I must clarify when they say weight gain they are not saying oh poo I gained 20 lbs, they are talking significant weight gain like what the he'll happened I was 150 lbs now I am 200 lbs or more.  They lie to you and say it isn't that bad and it is only at the begining but once it gets there it stays.  
   Unfortunately in our society it is okay to be crazy and attractive but people think they can save the pretty, young train wreck.  Let me tell you fat girl don't get sugar daddies and have to save themselves.  
  I have learn to be able to save myself.  I have learned to ask the important questions when I go to the doctor. When we discuss medication I longer sit on my rail and quack.  I do my own research.  I am capable of saying no.   I have control over my own body.  
I am also personally responsible for my actions. I have an illness it does not have me.  I do not use it as an excuse.  

1 comment:

  1. and like in oz, when talking to the great and mighty had better pay attention to that little man behind the damn curtain cause he DOES MATTER! plain english the chemicals...medications have side effects ( that they will tell you hardly ever happen ...thus the little man to be ignored)...well they DO happen tragically and the drs. do not even recognize are left with the wreckage all in the name of trust me it will help you
