Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Invisibility and other Useless Superpowers

   I have super powers.  I am invisible, but this only happens when I truly need to be seen,  I don’t know how it get triggered.  I have been working with local laboratories to find the answers.  I think it happens that the greater my need the more translucent I become.  I think this especially works over social media.  Which I think I have a very unhealthy codependent relationship with.(not that I have ever heard of a health codependent relationship) Sometimes I just need a like because I am feeling needy and no one likes me…*sob*.  Other times my invisibility cloak seems glued on are the times we really need things like food or a real help and no one see me.
   I also look like that person who you know.  It must happen a thousand times a day someone asks me if I am that one person.  My answer is usually “Depends, do they owe you money or do you owe them money?”  but people never recognize the person they owe money to.  Thank goodness I am not that person.  I owe people money don’t get me wrong.  I pay it over time slowly and painfully.  I am good like that.
   I have evil villain powers too.  I try not to use those.  That can be quite a challenge. I try to remember that it only takes a second to say something I can never unsay. I have heart seeking words that will cut right to the bone and leave open wounds.  I know what will hurt and how bad.  It is a horrible power and ability.  It is something in my youth I would use without thought our care of effect or consequence.  I am not talking of what it cost me but what it cost those the dagger struck.
  I have learnt that kindness takes but a second, however so does vileness. You can build or destroy with the opening of your mouth or the stroke of a few keys.  Deliberate what you choose to do.  Be slow to anger and slow to destroy what others have built.  You do not know if the foundation they have is in sand or stone.  Speak with kindness today and put love into the universe we all need it.  See those standing before you.


  1. you are a truth speaker...most can not see nor bear to abide the truth...wisdom is now dawning in your character as you now recognize how powerful words are and truth can either be used in kindness or as a weapon.....we can not unring that bell.....or unsay unkind words..funny how they are the ones that stick
